The Phoxx Ekcs Interview Part 2: The North Coast Trail
Interview with Phoxx Ekcs Part 4: "My Most Dangerous Day On The Water"

Interview With Phoxx Ekcs Part 3: "No Limits, No Regrets"

Interview with Phoxx Ekcs Part 3: "No Limits, No Regrets" from Baby Seal Films on Vimeo.

If each part of this four-part interview can be said to have its own flavor, then this part is bitter. Phoxx talks about some of the most difficult physical and psychological challenges during the trip. For instance, while hiking along the North Coast Trail to Cape Scott Phoxx developed a serious infection in both feet. His feet and ankles had swollen up “like a pregnant woman’s."  You couldn’t tell the difference between his calves and ankles. He had also had sprained toes and huge bruises on his shoulders from the backpack he had been carrying. During the 5 day hike he only ate a handful of salal berries and drank less than 3 liters of water. On day 20 some of the guys at the Cape Scott Light Station told him he needed to stop his trip, leave his kayak behind and hike to Holberg and get a ride to Port Hardy. They even started to talk about calling the Coast Guard to rescue him.

I asked Phoxx recently about his choice of brain tanned buckskins for clothing, Could he have chosen more appropriate clothing for the rain? He responded that he could have definitely stayed more comfortable by simply not moving around. He could have stayed warm, dry and eaten well every day by staying on a good foraging beach and sitting in his shelter during bad weather. But that wasn’t what his trip was about. It was more important for him to reach his goal of getting to Cape Scott rather than be comfortable.



Katya Palladina

By discouraging the brave lazy people just feel better about themselves. This way they don't have to push their limits.

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